Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing? (2023)

At the end of this post, you’ll have basic and better understanding of email marketing.

Email Marketing – An Introduction

Email marketing is an essential part of digital marketing that helps businesses to reach and build relationships with their customers. It is used to acquire new customers, build loyalty and trust with existing customers, nurture leads, and ultimately increase sales.

The following questions about email marketing will be answered in this post:

What is Email? | What is Marketing? | What is Email Marketing? | What are the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing? | What are the Challenges of Email Marketing and ways to deal with these challenges? | What are the types of email marketing? | How to Get Started with Email Marketing? (The part linked, will be another post linked here at the ending part of this post)

For better understanding of what email marketing is, Let’s break it into two: email & marketing. We define them respectively and then email marketing explained.

What is Email?

Electronic mail (e-mail) is a computer-based application for the exchange of messages between users. it’s a global e-mail network that allows people to exchange e-mail messages very fast. E-mail is the electronic equivalent of a letter, but with advantages in timeliness and flexibility.

What is Marketing?

According to Wikipedia, Marketing is the process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods and services

  • Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services. It involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services.
  • Marketing is the practice of creating interest in a product or service and convincing potential customers to buy it.
  • Marketing is the process of advertising a product or services to a person, people, or an audience who is or aren’t aware of a particular product, services or an offer.

What is Email Marketing?

  1. Email marketing can also be seen as way of exchanging business information using email.
  2. Email marketing is simply the act of marketing a product or services using email.
  3. Email marketing is the process of advertising, promoting or marketing products and services via email.

What then is email marketing, now that we understand what email and marketing is?

Email Marketing

  1. Email marketing is simply the act of marketing a product or services using email.
  2. Email marketing is the process of advertising, promoting or marketing products and services via email.
  3. Email marketing can also be seen as way of exchanging business information using email.

Email marketing is the use of emails to promote and advertise products or services to an audience. It includes sending newsletters, promotional emails, announcements, and other forms of communication. It’s an effective way to keep your customers informed, up-to-date, and maintain relationships with them.

Email marketing is a powerful and cost-effective way for businesses to reach their customers and promote their products and services via email. It allows businesses to send targeted messages directly to their target customers in a personalized and timely manner. Through email marketing, businesses can engage customers on a more intimate level, building a connection that can lead to more sales.

Challenges of Email Marketing

Although email marketing is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach customers, it can also be challenging. Many customers view emails as a nuisance and opt out of receiving them, which can make it difficult for businesses to engage with target audiences. Additionally, it can be difficult for businesses to make sure their emails stand out from the others in customer inboxes. Read Also, how to overcome the challenges of email marketing.

What are the types of email marketing?

1. Automated Email Marketing: Automatic emails are pre-written emails that are triggered to send when a user takes a specific action, like subscribing to an email list or making a purchase.

2. Batch Email: Batch emails are an effective way to reach a large number of subscribers with the same message.

3. Transactional Email: Transactional emails are sent after a customer completes a transaction, such as confirming their purchase or resetting their password.

4. Newsletter: Newsletters are emails sent regularly to a list of subscribers with the goal of keeping them engaged and informed.

5. Lead Nurturing: Lead nurturing emails are used to build relationships and guide prospects through the sales funnel.

6. Customer Retention: Customer retention emails are designed to keep customers engaged over time and encourage them to make repeat purchases.

What are the types of email marketing?

1. Automated Email Marketing: Automatic emails are pre-written emails that are triggered to send when a user takes a specific action, like subscribing to an email list or making a purchase.

2. Batch Email: Batch emails are an effective way to reach a large number of subscribers with the same message.

3. Transactional Email: Transactional emails are sent after a customer completes a transaction, such as confirming their purchase or resetting their password.

4. Newsletter: Newsletters are emails sent regularly to a list of subscribers with the goal of keeping them engaged and informed.

5. Lead Nurturing: Lead nurturing emails are used to build relationships and guide prospects through the sales funnel.

6. Customer Retention: Customer retention emails are designed to keep customers engaged over time and encourage them to make repeat purchases.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

1. Cost effective: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach customers. As opposed to traditional marketing, it allows businesses to reach a large base of customers at a fraction of the cost.

  • It’s one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing available. You don’t need to pay for printing, shipping, or other production costs associated with traditional marketing.
  • It is much cheaper than other forms of marketing and does not require any physical materials.

2. Faster delivery: Targeted emails reach their intended recipients quickly. Your message can be sent out almost immediately, which can be very effective for urgent offers and promotions.

3. Trackable/Measurable Results: Email marketing provides clear data on performance and engagement metrics, making it easy to track and measure the success of campaigns.

It allows marketers to easily track and measure the performance of their campaigns. From number of opens and clicks to revenue numbers, marketers have access to detailed and accurate results.

4. Flexibility & Highly Targeted: Email campaigns allow you to create highly segmented campaigns to target specific audiences and tailor messages by product, interest, location, or behaviour.

  •  Email marketing allows businesses to target specific customers and their interests, creating more personalized and effective campaigns.

5. Personalization: Personalization creates a feeling of connection between you and your readers or customers. You can segment your list to send more relevant and personalized emails and increase engagement.

6. Increase Brand Awareness: Email offers an easy way to drive brand awareness. 

  • You can customize the look and feel of your emails to reflect your brand and maintain an identifiable presence.
  • Email campaigns are the perfect way to keep your customers informed and aware of your brand. Frequent campaigns can drive traffic to your website while showing your customers appreciation and maintaining relationships.

7. Reach a large audience: Email marketing enables you to efficiently reach a large number of customers or audience in a short period of time. This can help you to spread the word quickly and easily.

8. Automation: Emails can be automated to send out specific campaigns or news/newsletter to particular customers/site visitors whenever they take certain actions.

Emails can also be programmed/co

What are the benefits/advantages of email marketing?

There’re many advantages or benefits of email marketing. The following are few benefits of email marketing:

1. Cost effective: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach customers. As opposed to traditional marketing, it allows businesses to reach a large base of customers at a fraction of the cost.

  • It’s one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing available. You don’t need to pay for printing, shipping, or other production costs associated with traditional marketing.
  • It is much cheaper than other forms of marketing and does not require any physical materials.
  • Email marketing is an inexpensive way to reach new and existing customers.

2. Faster delivery: Targeted emails reach their intended recipients quickly. Your message can be sent out almost immediately, which can be very effective for urgent offers and promotions.

3. Engagement – You can engage with customers by sending newsletters, promotional offers, surveys and more.

4. Trackable/Measurable Results: Email marketing provides clear data on performance and engagement metrics, making it easy to track and measure the success of campaigns.

It allows marketers to easily track and measure the performance of their campaigns. From number of opens and clicks to revenue numbers, marketers have access to detailed and accurate results.

5. Flexibility & Highly Targeted: Email campaigns allow you to create highly segmented campaigns to target specific audiences and tailor messages by product, interest, location, or behaviour.

  •  Email marketing allows businesses to target specific customers and their interests, creating more personalized and effective campaigns.
  • You can quickly adjust the content and design of your emails to meet changing customer needs.

6. Personalization: Personalization creates a feeling of connection between you and your readers or customers. You can segment your list to send more relevant and personalized emails and increase engagement.

7. Increase Brand Awareness: Email offers an easy way to drive brand awareness. 

  • You can customize the look and feel of your emails to reflect your brand and maintain an identifiable presence.
  • Email campaigns are the perfect way to keep your customers informed and aware of your brand. Frequent campaigns can drive traffic to your website while showing your customers appreciation and maintaining relationships.

8. Reach a large audience: Email marketing enables you to efficiently reach a large number of customers or audience in a short period of time. This can help you to spread the word quickly and easily.

  • It can be sent to a large segment of the population, either to individuals or groups, making it easy to reach your target market.

9. Brand recognition: Email campaigns help build recognition for a brand as they are sent to customers on a regular basis. This helps build trust and loyalty in the brand.

10. Automation: Emails can be automated to send out specific campaigns or news/newsletter to particular customers/site visitors whenever they take certain actions.

Emails can also be programmed/configured to automatically send special, specific or promotional emails at a predefined interval.

What are the disadvantages of email marketing?

1. Time Consumption: Email marketing does require a significant amount of time to create content, manage campaigns, and measure results. Marketers must be prepared to dedicate time and resources to manage their email campaigns.

2. Low Open Rates: Email open rates can vary, but most fall below 20%. Many emails go unopened, so the messages you’re sending do not always reach the intended audience.

3. Lack of Personalization: Emails are often sent to large audiences that are not segmented according to customer demographic and behavior. This makes it difficult to create personalized messages that target specific customer interests.

4. Spam: Email inboxes are cluttered with spam messages, making it difficult for legitimate email messages to stand out.

  • With email marketing, there is always a risk that your emails might end up in someone’s spam folder. This could hamper your campaigns and could make it difficult for users to find your emails.
  • Customers may be skeptical about spam messages, and this might cause them to loss trust in a brand.

5. Limited Target Market: Unlike other forms of marketing, the target market is usually quite limited. Not everyone uses email, or might actively check their emails all the time.

6. Cost: Email marketing campaigns require resources to create and implement, and the returns on investment may not be worth the expense in some cases.

7. Server Reliability: Email servers can have issues, and without due diligence, your emails may not always be delivered in a timely manner.

What are the disadvantages of email marketing?

1. Time Consumption: Email marketing does require a significant amount of time to create content, manage campaigns, and measure results. Marketers must be prepared to dedicate time and resources to manage their email campaigns.

2. Low Open Rates: Email open rates can vary, but most fall below 20%. Many emails go unopened, so the messages you’re sending do not always reach the intended audience.

3. Lack of Personalization: Emails are often sent to large audiences that are not segmented according to customer demographic and behavior. This makes it difficult to create personalized messages that target specific customer interests.

4. Spam: Email inboxes are cluttered with spam messages, making it difficult for legitimate email messages to stand out.

  • With email marketing, there is always a risk that your emails might end up in someone’s spam folder. This could hamper your campaigns and could make it difficult for users to find your emails.
  • Customers may be skeptical about spam messages, and this might cause them to loss trust in a brand.

5. Limited Target Market: Unlike other forms of marketing, the target market is usually quite limited. Not everyone uses email, or might actively check their emails all the time.

6. Cost: Email marketing campaigns require resources to create and implement, and the returns on investment may not be worth the expense in some cases.

7. Server Reliability: Email servers can have issues, and without due diligence, your emails may not always be delivered in a timely manner.

Tips for dealing with some of the disadvantages listed above

How to Get Started with Email Marketing?

If you’re just getting started with email marketing, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose and get registered with any of the online email marketing service you think can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign.
    • some popular email marketing services for small businesses include: Constant ContactSendinBlueMailchimpHubSpotOmnisendDripMoosendAWeber etc.
    • You can take your email marketing to the next level by building your own email marketing web application/website similar in function to the email marketing services mentioned above using any of the php scripts listed in this post.
    • You can also run your email marketing effectively on your WordPress website using any of the email marketing WordPress plugins listed in this post.
  • Build an email list by collecting customer email addresses.
    • The email marketing tools mentioned above has built-in features that let you easily collect customer email addresses.
  • Develop an email marketing strategy by understanding who your customers are and what they need.
  • Write engaging emails with a clear Call to Action (CTA) to encourage customers to take action.
  • Set up automated emails that are triggered by customer behaviors or preferences.
  • Test, measure and track the results of your email campaigns to see what works best.
  • Optimize and adjust the content and design of your campaigns to improve the results

How to Get Started with Email Marketing?

If you’re just getting started with email marketing, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose and get registered with any of the online email marketing service you think can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign.
    • some popular email marketing services for small businesses include: Constant ContactSendinBlueMailchimpHubSpotOmnisendDripMoosendAWeber etc.
    • You can take your email marketing to the next level by building your own email marketing web application/website similar in function to the email marketing services mentioned above using any of the php scripts listed in this post.
    • You can also run your email marketing effectively on your WordPress website using any of the email marketing WordPress plugins listed in this post.
  • Build an email list by collecting customer email addresses.
    • The email marketing tools mentioned above has built-in features that let you easily collect customer email addresses.
  • Develop an email marketing strategy by understanding who your customers are and what they need.
  • Write engaging emails with a clear Call to Action (CTA) to encourage customers to take action.
  • Set up automated emails that are triggered by customer behaviors or preferences.
  • Test, measure and track the results of your email campaigns to see what works best.
  • Optimize and adjust the content and design of your campaigns to improve the results


Email marketing is an effective way to reach and engage customers, build relationships with them, and ultimately increase sales. If you’re just getting started, it’s important to understand the basics, build an email list, develop a strategy, and test, measure, and optimize your campaigns. With the right approach, you can reap the many benefits of email marketing and grow your business.

There will be more helpful and useful upcoming posts about email marketing, email marketing strategies, email marketing tips, email marketing tools, etc that you might not like to miss. 

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Your learning of email marketing can start be joining our newsletter, in this way, you’ll be inspired by observing how we utilized email marketing for blogging. Same email marketing strategy we use for blogging can equally be applied to other areas outside of blogging. 

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